When someone says, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (may peace, mercy and blessings from God be upon you),
You shall say, Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (and may peace, mercy and blessings from God be upon you)
When a greeting is offered you, answer it with an even better greeting or (at least) with its like. God keeps account of all things. [Surah an-Nisa; 4: 86]
Indeed, according to hadith the Islamic prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam (may Allah honor him and grant him peace) said when he was asked who should begin the salam greeting,
The one who is riding should greet the one who is walking and the one who is walking should greet the one who is sitting and the smaller group should greet the larger group. (Saheeh - Al-Bukhaari, 6234; Muslim, 2160)
Well, I want to share something here, few days ago I saw a very heart-warming situation. This kind of situation can actually be seen anywhere, its just depends on people whether to notice it or ignore it. There was some kind of 'spotlight' on the scene at that time, I saw everything happens so slowly yet clear enough to stir my heart. It happens when my mom and I was on our way back home after settling some urgent matters outside. We had a lot of things to do on that day and we ended up stuck in traffic jams for hours. It was quite weird why on that particular day the traffic was really packed. It was almost Maghrib, but neither my mom and I have not prayed Asr' yet. After a long wait, we saw a petrol station and decided to pull over and use the surau/prayer room there. Alhamdulillah, Malaysia is blessed with these kind of public amenities.
My mom and I quickly entered the surau to perform Asr' prayer. There were few other people already praying and was about to pray as well. I decided to stay outside after the Asr' prayer to make room for other people to perform their sholat. As I was observing the traffic crawling slowly, and customers entering and leaving the petrol station, I saw this young man walking towards the surau. On the first glance, I told myself, he's not local, not from Arabs. I don't know why that first impression came up to my mind but he seems fresh, charismatic, he's got style and more interestingly, he lowers his gaze. Maybe this was the moment where he got the 'spotlight' on. Just behind him was a white car also heading to park near the surau. Based on my observation skills and experience, they were his friends inside the cars. Teenagers. Well not really, it seemed that they were about my age, maybe older. There were three of them in the car if I was not mistaken. Here comes the interesting part. I know they came there to pray Asr'. Two guys got out from the car and followed the first 'walking-guy' to take their wudhu'/ablution. I monologued to myself again, Oh no, there's another guy in the car. Why isn't he coming out?. This guy was sleeping. One of them tried to wake this sleeping-guy up from his deep sleep. Seem like these guys had a long trip and they were all tired. But this brother kept trying to wake his friend up although the sleeping-guy seemed very resistance. This brother took some water using his palms and wiped his sleeping friend's face gently. Masha Allah, I think that is really beautiful. Amazing. Trust me, it is very hard for me to see this kind of scene nowadays. Hardly. Unfortunately, the sleeping-guy still resisting yet struggling to wake up? Suddenly, there's a space for hope in my heart. Knowing that something good can happen if we do good. Well, cut the story short, after all the brothers performed their prayer, finally the sleeping-guy woke up and took his wudhu'. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah again. I think this is how true friends are supposed to be. Friends that want to strive to the right path together. Given the tests, hardships, and battles, true friends would help each other, guide each other for the sake of love for Allah. Friends that want and pray for each other to meet again in Jannah.
Notice when I started to use the word 'brother' in the story above? It's not that my observation skills suddenly tells me that they are blood-related brothers. They're not. In fact, they are internationals. They came from different country, different origins, different race but yet they are united for one. For the love of Allah subahanallahu wata a'la. We are all in this world in fact related. We came from the same Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve whom was originally from heaven and placed in this world due to them having disobeyed Allah subahanallahu wata a'la. At least, we are brothers and sisters-in-Islam.
Reminder to all and to myself as well, be the one who will always help your friends striving through the right path, stop back-biting and clean your envy heart, no matter what you do, do it for the sake of Allah, for it sure will show you love that will guide you to Jannah.
Salam Maulidur Rasul, praise and prayer to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam. For his great love for his ummah, we shall live our life according to his sunnah and al-Quran al-Kareem.
Wa Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ;)
Some sparks to remember, we are all brothers and sisters-in-Islam. We do good, we'll be paid good :)